
Using Time Series Data for Infrastructure Monitoring: Challenges and Advantages

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The article discusses the challenges faced by traditional monitoring systems while handling time series data generated by modern infrastructures such as data centers, cloud environments, networks, and IoT devices. These challenges include high data volume and velocity, difficulty in real-time monitoring, scalability issues, complex analysis and visualization, and data retention and storage optimization problems. The article then introduces InfluxDB, a time series database designed to address these issues by offering efficient storage and retrieval, high scalability, fast data ingestion, advanced querying capabilities, and flexible data retention policies. By using InfluxDB for infrastructure monitoring, organizations can ensure the performance and availability of their infrastructures while overcoming common pain points faced by traditional monitoring systems.


Date published
Feb. 16, 2024

Jason Myers

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.