
Observability, CTS & Nomad Video Highlights from HashiTalks 2022

What's this blog post about?

The fourth annual global HashiTalks livestream featured over 7,500 attendees discussing observability infrastructure, network policy, Consul-Terraform-Sync use cases, and explorations around HashiCorp Nomad. Topics covered included bootstrapping a multi-datacenter cloud native observability stack using Prometheus, Loki, Tempo, Alertmanager, Grafana, and HashiCorp Consul; inspecting Nomad events using Grafana Loki for debugging cluster state and alerting operators about new deployments or failing allocations; policy as code for network as code using Sentinel to prevent network misconfigurations; creative use cases for Consul-Terraform-Sync automation beyond on-premises firewalls; running Nomad as a HashiCorp operating system in an experiment; and the harmonious marriage of lightweight systems with Flatcar Container Linux for Nomad.


Date published
Feb. 27, 2022

Mitch Pronschinske

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.