
Managing Tencent Cloud Secrets Engine and Authentication Method in HashiCorp Vault

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Tencent Cloud has integrated HashiCorp Vault, a comprehensive secrets and encryption management solution, to provide its customers with a verified and seamless user experience. The integration includes two parts - the Tencent Cloud Secrets Engine and Tencent Cloud Authentication Method. The Secrets Engine dynamically generates Tencent Cloud access secret ID/key or tokens based on CAM policies, while the Authentication Method provides an automated mechanism to retrieve a Vault token for Tencent Cloud entities. These integrations enable users to fully manage their Tencent Cloud secrets and auth with HashiCorp Vault, ensuring secure storage and controlled access to tokens, passwords, certificates, and encryption keys.


Date published
March 6, 2022

Tencent Cloud Team

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.