
OneReach.ai and Deepgram Partner to Revolutionize Conversational AI

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OneReach.ai and Deepgram have partnered to integrate Deepgram's automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology into OneReach.ai's conversational AI platform, offering developers a low-code/no-code solution with over 10,000 features and a composable architecture for solving complex tasks. The partnership enables the creation of superior conversational solutions tailored to specific customer needs, faster deployment, and easier customization at a lower total cost of ownership (TCO). OneReach.ai has been recognized as a leader in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Conversational AI Platforms for two consecutive years, and the new Deepgram integration enhances its capabilities further.


Date published
April 25, 2023

Josh Fox

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None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.