
Don’t Just Participate, Own: Deepgram Celebrates International Women’s Day

What's this blog post about?

Deepgram celebrates International Women's Day by embracing equity and promoting the inclusion of women in tech and voice technology. The company aims to cultivate and amplify voices that were previously unheard, empowering women at Deepgram to own important discussions and promote representation of cis and trans women voices in speech data. DG Ladies, an internal Women in Tech employee resource group, offers mentorship, skill-building opportunities, and fosters connections between women across the company. The work towards achieving equity is ongoing, with a focus on building a culture where all women can lead conversations without questions or caveats.


Date published
March 8, 2023

Catherine McMillan

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.