
Introducing Speech Summarization Powered by Domain-Specific Language Models

What's this blog post about?

Deepgram has released a domain-specific language model (DSLM) for speech summarization, specifically tailored for call center and sales enablement interactions. The DSLM is fine-tuned using over 200K domain-specific conversations and offers benefits such as personalization, superior accuracy on specialized topics, low inference costs, speed, and no token length or audio duration limits. This model automates the process of summarizing customer interactions and extracting pertinent information at scale, improving efficiency and enhancing the overall customer experience. Deepgram's DSLM-powered Summarization Model delivers superior results compared to alternative summarization methods and is now publicly available for pre-recorded, English audio.


Date published
July 21, 2023

Josh Fox

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.