
Identify and redact sensitive data in APM, RUM, and Events stream with Sensitive Data Scanner

What's this blog post about?

The text discusses the challenges of managing sensitive data in customer-facing applications as they scale, highlighting the risk of accidental exposure leading to privacy violations or regulatory non-compliance. It introduces Datadog's Sensitive Data Scanner, which continuously scans and detects sensitive information at ingestion time based on out-of-the-box or custom rules. The tool is now available for APM, RUM, and Events, expanding the scope of data that can be monitored for leaks. It provides instructions on configuring Sensitive Data Scanner, removing sensitive data from RUM sessions, obfuscating sensitive data from distributed traces, and extending compliance strategies to cover APM and RUM. The tool is part of Datadog's suite of governance features that include Audit Trail and RBAC controls.


Date published
Oct. 19, 2022

Nicholas Thomson, Sid Dhingra

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.