
Zero Trust client sessions

What's this blog post about?

Starting from March 18, 2022, users can build Zero Trust rules that require periodic authentication to control network access. This feature was initially available for web-based applications but has now been extended to TCP connections and UDP flows. The Zero Trust client-based sessions are designed to enhance the security of Cloudflare's Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA). These sessions require users to reauthenticate with their identity provider before accessing specific resources, providing an additional layer of security for sensitive business applications. During the beta period, improvements were made based on customer feedback and issues identified by Cloudflare's own security team. In the future, options for step-up multifactor authentication and automated enrollment will be added.


Date published
March 18, 2022

Kenny Johnson

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.