
Improving PicoHTTPParser further with AVX2

What's this blog post about?

Vlad Krasnov recently joined CloudFlare and has been working on low level optimization of their servers. In a recent blog post, he discusses an improvement to PicoHTTPParser using the SSE4.2 instruction PCMPESTRI for finding delimiters in HTTP requests/responses. However, this method has limitations such as high latency and limited throughput. Krasnov proposes using AVX2 instructions instead, which operate on 32 bytes and have a higher throughput. He also suggests changing the logical flow of the program from latency bound to throughput oriented by creating bitmaps for all occurrences in a long string. This results in significant performance improvements compared to the previous version using PCMPESTRI.


Date published
Dec. 18, 2014

Vlad Krasnov

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.