
2022 March Hackness: The Return of the Phishing Bracket - What 56 Million Emails Reveal about the Most Impersonated Brands

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Area 1 Security's Sixth Annual March Hackness: The Perfect Phishing Bracket reveals the top brands that attackers use in phishing lures, based on an analysis of over 56 million blocked phishing emails. In 2022, more than 77% of brand phishing attempts exploited just the Top 64 brands, with cloud services such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft being commonly targeted. Additionally, healthcare organizations, social services, and grocery stores/food & beverage retailers were frequently impersonated by attackers. The NCAA basketball tournament-inspired bracket highlights the importance of understanding phishing trends to prevent breaches effectively.


Date published
March 26, 2022

Elaine Dzuba

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.