
New! Break Transcripts into Paragraphs and Sentences

What's this blog post about?

The AssemblyAI Speech-to-Text API now offers two new endpoints that allow developers to pull a completed transcript broken into paragraphs or sentences, making it easier for users to digest the information. To access this feature, no additional account setup is required, and existing audio files can be used without resubmission. The new endpoints are /v2/transcript/{TRANSCRIPT ID}/paragraphs and /v2/transcript/{TRANSCRIPT ID}/sentences. An example of how to use these endpoints in Python is provided along with a sample response from the API. This update makes it simpler for developers to create user-friendly interfaces directly from audio files.


Date published
April 28, 2021

Andrew Galyan-Mann

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.