
Learn from the experts: BigData Boutique and Aiven talk about OpenSearch®

What's this blog post about?

On 17th January 2023, Aiven and BigData Boutique held an OpenSearch® Fireside Chat on Lessons learned from maintaining 10K+ OpenSearch® clusters in production. The panel discussed the growth of OpenSearch since its inception in January 2021 and covered topics such as best practices for improving performance, managed services, and future developments. Some key points included the importance of indexing, the simplicity of the product for developers, and the potential for vector search and support for machine learning/artificial intelligence. The panel also highlighted the maturation of OpenSearch with more sensible configuration choices defaulting to "on".


Date published
Feb. 22, 2023

Tibs (Tony Ibbs)

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.