
Leading over the rainbow

What's this blog post about?

In this blog post, James Arlen, Aiven's CISO, discusses his thoughts on Pride Week and what it means for him as a leader in the company. He emphasizes the importance of embracing vulnerability and admitting that there is always more to learn about creating an inclusive workplace for 2SLBGTQIA+ individuals. Arlen shares his experiences with connecting members of Aiven's #ProudCrabs community with the Executive Team, diversifying the company's staff, and ensuring a safe environment free from harassment and inappropriate behavior. He encourages other non-minority leaders to take advantage of learning opportunities and support their 2SLBGTQIA+ colleagues throughout the year.


Date published
July 1, 2022

James Arlen

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.