
Solving the WebRTC signaling challenge

What's this blog post about?

WebRTC is a standard for real-time communication embedded in web browsers, enabling applications like voice or video calling and data sharing. However, it lacks signaling capabilities, which developers need to implement themselves. This involves creating a protocol for finding the person you want to communicate with and negotiating terms of communication. Developers can use various methods such as XMPP, MQTT, SIP, WebSocket, or Comet-type solutions like XHR. Alternatively, they can opt for third-party managed services like Ably Realtime, which takes care of uptime, monitoring, security, and scaling. There are three main approaches to developing communication with WebRTC: DIY, semi-managed, and fully managed. The semi-managed approach offers less vendor lock-in and more flexibility in mixing and matching components.


Date published
Oct. 17, 2019

Tsahi Levent-Levi

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.